A Geographic Pole Shift is the sudden shifting of the earth’s crust (only 0.005% of the equatorial diameter) over the earth’s core. Imagine being able to rotate just the skin of an orange over the orange itself.

This is different from a geomagnetic reversal, or the periodic reversal of the earth’s magnetic field where the north and south magnetic poles switch.
A Geographic Pole Shift would occur over a matter of days or even just hours, causing immense catastrophe to the surface of the earth. Land masses and oceans would be displaced, the polar regions of the world would change locations, as would the equator. Earthquakes would shake the entire planet and volcanoes would erupt around the globe, causing general devastation to our world. New land forms and oceans would spring up, replacing old ones, and weather patterns would change.
There is evidence throughout the planet of just such an event taking place in Earth’s past, if one knows where to look.
Evidence of Past Pole Shifts